PPG Beat Detection

Getting started with the PPG beat detectors.

Detecting beats in a PPG signal

This tutorial demonstrates how to detect beats in a PPG signal using algorithms in the toolbox.

S = data.ppg;   % extract PPG data
beat_detector = 'IMS';     % Select Incremental-Merge Segmentation beat detector
[peaks, onsets, mid_amps] = detect_ppg_beats(S, beat_detector);     % detect beats in PPG

figure('Position', [20,20,1000,350])     % Setup figure
subplot('Position', [0.05,0.17,0.92,0.82])
t = [0:length(S.v)-1]/S.fs;             % Make time vector
plot(t, S.v, 'b'), hold on,             % Plot PPG signal
plot(t(peaks), S.v(peaks), 'or'),       % Plot detected beats
ftsize = 20;                            % Tidy up plot
set(gca, 'FontSize', ftsize, 'YTick', [], 'Box', 'off');
ylabel('PPG', 'FontSize', ftsize),
xlabel('Time (s)', 'FontSize', ftsize)

This results in the following detected beats:

1-minute PPG signal and detected beats

This tutorial is demonstrated in the following video:

Detecting beats in different types of signals

S = data.ppg;   % extract PPG data
beat_detector = 'IMS';     % Select Incremental-Merge Segmentation beat detector
[peaks, onsets, mid_amps] = detect_ppg_beats(S, beat_detector);     % detect beats in PPG

figure('Position', [20,20,1000,350])     % Setup figure
subplot('Position', [0.05,0.17,0.92,0.82])
t = [0:length(S.v)-1]/S.fs;             % Make time vector
plot(t, S.v, 'b'), hold on,             % Plot PPG signal
plot(t(peaks), S.v(peaks), 'or'),       % Plot detected beats
ftsize = 20;                            % Tidy up plot
set(gca, 'FontSize', ftsize, 'YTick', [], 'Box', 'off');
ylabel('PPG', 'FontSize', ftsize),
xlabel('Time (s)', 'FontSize', ftsize)

This results in the following detected beats:

Neonatal data 1-minute neonatal PPG signal and detected beats

Atrial fibrillation data 1-minute atrial fibrillation PPG signal and detected beats

Noisy data 1-minute noisy PPG signal and detected beats