PPG-DaLiA Dataset


Item Details
Links Dataset, Publication
Signals PPG, ECG (inc. manual beat annotations), respiration, accelerometry, others
No. Subjs 15
Protocol Recordings during a protocol of activities of daily living (car driving, cycling, in a lunch break, sitting, stair climbing, playing table soccer, walking and working)

Importing the data into MATLAB

  1. Download from here or here, and unzip.
  2. Download the convert_subject_pickle_files_to_mat.py python script.
  3. Copy the subject's .pkl file to the same folder as this python script.
  4. Run the python script to convert the .pkl file into a MATLAB file. (I used Spyder - a Python program - through Anaconda-Navigator.)
  5. Copy this MATLAB file back to the same folder as the .pkl file was obtained from.
  6. Download collate_wesad_dataset.m MATLAB script.
  7. Modify the MATLAB script by inserting the up.paths.root_folder and up.paths.save_folder into the setup_up function.
  8. Run the MATLAB script to collate all the individual MATLAB files into a single MATLAB data file, ready for analysis.