MIMIC PERform AF Dataset

This dataset contains ECG and PPG recordings of 20-minute duration, some of which were acquired during atrial fibrillation (AF), and the rest were acquired during normal sinus rhythm.


Item Details
Links Dataset, Publication
Signals PPG, ECG, respiration
No. Subjs 35 (19 in AF, 16 not in AF)
Protocol 35 critically-ill adults during routine clinical care. Data were measured using a bedside monitor at 125 Hz. Manual labels of AF and non-AF subjects were obtained from here, as described in [1]. Data were extracted from the MIMIC-III Waveform Database Matched Subset.

Downloading the dataset

Links to download the dataset in different formats are provided in this table:

Format Links
Matlab AF subjects, non-AF subjects
CSV AF subjects, non-AF subjects
WFDB AF subjects, non-AF subjects

Recreating the dataset

The dataset can be recreated from scratch by taking the following steps:

  1. Download the following MATLAB script: collate_mimic_perform_af_dataset.
  2. Modify the MATLAB script by inserting the up.paths.root_folder and up.paths.save_folder into the setup_up function.
  3. Note: The duration of recordings provided by the script can be adjusted with the up.settings.req_durn variable within the setup_up function.
  4. Run the MATLAB script to download the required files from PhysioNet, import the data into MATLAB, and collate the data into a single MATLAB data file, ready for analysis.