Creating Documentation

Creating the PPG-beats documentation.

Create and preview the documentation locally



  1. Download repository: Download the GitHub repository (which contains both the code and documentation files): Use this link to download a ZIP file.
  2. Extract: Extract (unzip) the ZIP file.
  3. Set current directory: Go to Command Prompt (on Windows) or Terminal (on MacOS). Set the current directory to the extracted folder. e.g. on my Mac, I use: cd /Users/petercharlton/Documents/GitHub/ppg-beats/
  4. Preview documentation: Use the mkdocs serve command to view the documentation in your browser at

Upload the documentation to the web



  1. Upload to GitHub: Commit the documentation to a GitHub repository. e.g. in my case, peterhcharlton/ppg-beats. Note that the documentation is committed to the main branch. It contains:
    • a file named mkdocs.yml in the main folder
    • a subfolder named docs which contains markdown documentation
    • a subfolder named source which contains the source code
  2. Host on Read the Docs: Host the documentation on Read the Docs, allowing it to be viewed as a website. e.g. the PPG-beats documentation is hosted by Read the Docs here. The following are helpful for working out how to do this: